About Harness Design
Harness Design Indy has been serving the Indianapolis area for nearly 20 years. We are a family-owned and run business that understands the needs of other small businesses.
We help small business owners start up or grow their companies so they can save money, become competitive in their industry, and improve their bottom line, even if clients have a limited budget. We achieve this by finding the best solution for each client, customized for their needs – we do not have “one-size-fits-all” solutions that just do not work for growing companies.
If you want to build your business and become a leader in your industry, we invite you to contact us so we can sit down and discuss how Harness Design can work for you.
Our Team

Adam Harness

Dana Harness
Our Company

The Beginning
The early beginnings of HDI. Originally Adam did freelance work, so the website was simply called adamharness.com.

New Staff
Dana began helping Adam to schedule appointments, write proposals and contracts, and do basic graphic design work.
Dana expands her duties, learning web coding and more advanced design techniques.

Office Opens
Adam Harness Design opens an office to improve meeting abilities with our ever-expanding client base.

Big Change
Adam accepts a full-time job as a web developer with a political consulting company and assumes a support role at the company.

Adam Harness Design is officially rebranded to become Harness Design Indy to reflect Dana’s permanent lead role.

A New Look
The website gets a fresh look to reflect all of the industry-level changes in mobile-first website design and improved SEO standards.